Education Team
PDSG's Education Team arranges for Data Science education events on campus. Several relevant skills for a data scientist, may not always be touched upon during traditional coursework. By arranging sessions led by experienced students and external speakers, PDSG provides its members with an access to a larger variety of skills to help prepare them for data science careers. Past workshops/series include R Shiny micro-course, Data Visualization Speaker Session by Prof BC Kwon, Intro to Git, Social Good Datathon
The Education Team will start preparing and delivering events in the Spring 2023 semester. Please join Slack if you’d like to get updates or get involved! Sign up here:
Have an idea for a data science education event? Want to form a collaboration? If you’re a student/alum, the best way to do so is to contact Brian via the PDSG slack. If you represent an organization, please email us!
Data Visualization workshop by Prof B.C Kwon